Measure once, fit anywhere
GoodFit will help you find the perfect size in any clothing brand.

Most customers feel confused when choosing their size while shopping for clothes online.
Our solution eliminates this problem and restores the joy of online shopping. Check out the most interesting benefits.
Internal fitting
Measure your body dimensions once, save them in GoodFit, and enjoy the convenience of finding your perfect size from thousands of clothing brands.
Dedicated profiles
Create and share profiles with dimensions for your family, friends, or colleagues. Giving the gift of perfectly fitting clothes has never been easier.
One-click matching
Shop in our partner online stores and effortlessly match clothes to your profile.
Permanent history
Track your body measurement history with convenient charts. Monitor your weight loss or muscle building progress and stay informed about your results in real-time.
Reduced returns
Say goodbye to long return processes. With precisely matched sizes, returns will be unnecessary.
Calm mind
Shop without fear, freely choose sophisticated outfits, avoid wasting time browsing size charts, and be confident in your purchase.
One account, multiple brands
"Good clothes open all doors" — Thomas Fuller

Measure and fill
Fill out your measurements once and enjoy a perfect fit in many brands and partner stores.
- All dimensions in one place
- Listing dimensions for clothes
- Convenient measurement instructions

Perfect fit in any brand
Are you buying clothes and don't feel like searching through size charts? Open GoodFit and check your size in seconds.
- View sizes across all brands in one click
- Size standards for all markets
- Precise filtering by type of clothes

Family, friends and more
Having trouble buying clothes for your family members? Create their profiles or share them with each other and enjoy successful purchases.
- Ability to create dependent or shared profiles
- Sharing profiles with loved ones
- Full privacy of body measurement values in the shared profile
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